a mdzs twt au rp!

a master must cultivate their arts!

in the ancient times of china, there were many clans that practiced different methods of cultivation, working from their own beliefs and off of their own hierarchies. new people emerged everyday, people with power and that could make the most happen from one talisman or sword swipe. though, the fate of this issue has become unknown as a clan with a thirst for power, rages over all.

a more in depth explanation!

we know that not everyone knows what tf mdzs is and we are willing to explain that to you all, so we decided to make this little section for each of you!
mdzs is a chinese drama, anime, and manga and it takes place in the times of ancient china, it's fair to say it's around the time of the dynastys.
there are many clans but the main five or six are the ones that we have offered in this roleplay.
the main focus of mdzs besides the romantic interest line, is the work of cultivation and just how that's affecting the world that they live in. i assume cultivation almost as the practice of some form of magic? using their swords, talismen, and their stated weapons. cultivators give off an energy to either fight away the spirits of the bad or to cultivate them to them in order to help them.
there is a war between clans, it's every other clan vs the wen clan and later on, we will add the wei clan into that as well since many hate it's founder, wei wuxian.
we aren't fully sure how to describe this but please, feel free to ask any of the admins for a more in depth explanation that can help you out.

the basics!

all disciples, no matter your background, will be able to meet with other disciples at any time. whether it be for a visit, discussion of issues with other clans, anything of the sort. members of different clans are permitted to see each other.
⭒ at times, there will be classes for predecessors of each clan to attend, these classes are mandatory and will not require any outside work unless any misbehavior is shown, you simply must listen and be able to repeat a basis of what was taught.
⭒ relationships between different clan members is 100% permitted, you are not confined to only being able to date someone that is a member of your clan, but also be aware of what the cost may be.
⭒ sometimes, events will be held to show off different skills from different clan members, these are completely optional and don't count as anything against you, but they are a good sense of change.
⭒ exploration is allowed at any time unless your clan practices strictly don't permit you to be awake at a certain time.

lan gusu!

lan zhaohui

yunmeng jiang!

jiang qi

lanling jin!

jin da

qinghe nie!


qishan wen!

wen xiu

wei clan!

wei xiulan

the gusu lan clan!

the clan of gusu lan, also known as, the gusu lan sect is a cultivational sect that is known to be based in the cloud recesses, a residence on a remote mountain outside the town of gusu.

the gusu land sect was founded early by a man named lan an, a man born in a temple and who chose to specialize his cultivation in music. after searching for his "fated partner", lan an created the cloud recesses. at some point between this time and now, over three thousand rules were carved into a piece of stone inside. this area became known to all members of the gusu lan as the wall of rules.

traits of a gusu lan
must be willing to abide by the rules, no matter the cost.
all must realize his or her passion early in life.
blood comes first, over anything else.
determination coarses through their veins.

the practices of a gusu lan
all must wake up at 5am and fall asleep at 9pm.
the headband is a sacred object, you are only permitted for your parent or "fated person" to touch your headband at anytime, other than that, you shall be the only one to ever touch your headband.
if the gusu lan rules are broken, you must account to copy them all by hand or be beaten with a plank depending on the severity.

the yunmeng jiang clan!

the clan of yunmeng jiang, also known as, the yunmeng jiang sect is a cultivational sect that is located in yunmeng's lotus pier, in an area known as "lotus cave."

the yunmeng jiang sect was founded early by a wandering swordsman turned cultivator, jiang chi, after this the yunmeng jiang section grew to be one of the five great clans. at a time in great grovel, lotus cove was destroyed almost to the point of extinction before being built back up by their new leader jiang cheng.

traits of a yunmeng jiang
persevering, no matter the situation you may be in, a yunmeng jiang never gives up what they know.
family orientation, yunmeng jiang's would do anything to protect their family at any time.
determination, never giving up on a thing that you have set out to do, that is not the way of yunmeng jiang.
a sense for rules, yunmeng jiang's tend to follow rules to an extent but anything outrageous must be understood at the very least.

the practices of a yunmeng jiang
yunmeng jiang's practice a unique manner of swordsmanship, you are expected to as well.
all disciples are to be adept swimmers, due to the area that they live in, swimming is an important aspect and possible survival technique.
yunmeng jiang's tend to practice the basic cultivation skills.

the lanling jin clan!

the clan of lanling jin, also known as, the lanling jin sect is a cultivational sect that is located in carp tower, lanling.

the lanling jin sect is one of the famously wealthy clans and often exploited it's money to become one of the top leaders of the cultivation world. although, the lanling jin played a major part in ending the world of demonic cultivation, they recruited many new members from wei clan to attempt to make their own army stronger.

traits of a lanling jin
narcissistic, lanling jin's are very wealthy people and they have no issue showing that part of them off to others, bragging is a must.
hard-working, lanling jin's are very hard-working individuals and tend to find themselves sweating day and night to get across something they wish to achieve.
social, lanling jin's find need in making good communications with the other clans and specialize in their alliances, this is a simple must.

the practices of a lanling jin
lanling jin's have learned to use their wealth to their advantage during a night hunt, they are able to use extensive spirit trapping and tend to catch themselves one step ahead.

the qinghe nie clan!

the clan of qinghe nie, also known as, the qinghe nie sect is a cultivational sect is one of the four great cultivational sects and is located in the unclean realm.

the qinghe nie sect was founded early by a simple butcher. they have a very violent cultivation style due to this fact, and because of this, their 6th leader decided to turn their ancestral hall into stone castles so they could honor the violent saber spirits of their ancestors in order to prevent bloodshed.

traits of a qinghe nie
slightly violent, qinghe nie's are known for the violent cultivation techniques and find themselves specializing in this method, in order to give themselves an uphold.
social, qinghe nie's are also very social people and find themselves wanting to be the top of the top, but they are well aware of the fact that they can only do that with the help of other clans.

the practices of a qinghe nie
qinghe nie's cultivate fierce spirits with their dao's, a blade that requires a greater strength and a more violent fighting style. they are very aggressive in battle.
qinghe nie's also praise the stone castles that they have made for their ancestors spirits.

the qishan wen clan!

the clan of qishan wen, also known as, the qishan wen sect is a cultivational sect that is known as the top clan in the dynasty, located in nightless city.

the qishan wen sect used the sun as their motif to argue that they rivaled the sun and it's power overall for the people that revolve under it. saying that they are the people all worship. they were enormous and have one of the biggest clans out of all, rivaling a city with their intense numbers.

traits of a qishan wen
arrogance, qishan wen's are full of themselves, knowing that they are on top and that they have more power than anyone else, they take pride in this and use it for threats and other things to get people to do what they please.
violent, qishan wen's take the things that they crave through force and violence, they often don't get along with other clan members because of this, or they very rarely find someone that is willing to talk with them.
god complex, qishan wen's believe that they are the best of the best and no one could ever rival them. other's simply cannot compare to them in any possible way.

the practices of a qishan wen
the main thing that the qishan wen's are known for are their intense sword techniques that are unique to their own arrogant style.

the wei clan!

the clan of wei, also known as, the wei sect is a cultivational sect is a cultivation method that must be hidden, nobody speaks of this method anymore after the harm it has been seen to cause, it is unknown where they live.

the wei clan was founded by wei wuixian, a former yunmeng jiang disciple, after events that had affected his life long time. this practice uses the resentful energy that is emitted off of spirits corpses and is normally accessed with the loss of a golden core, a demonic feeding ground.

traits of a wei clan member
vengeful, though they may be the nicest people you ever meet, members of the wei clan normally have motive of vengeance behind their nice act. wei clan members want to take back something that once was taken from them.
closed off, in their society, members of the wei clan are hunted for their dark practices and the harm that they cause to earth's center balance. they often don't tell people their real clan and what they practice.
skiddish, because of their place, members of the wei clan are very cautious and skiddish around different things. especially with the spirits with them at all times, they must always be on guard.

the practices of a wei clan member
members of the wei clan use a flute as their form of defense, as others carry a sword on their person, a wei clan member will be sure to always have their flute by their side.
the practice in the art of controlling corpses, conscious fierce corpses, and the summoning of painted eyes.
this method works with spirits to allow them possession of some vessel for their own protection.